What is Bergen Nerdschool?

Nerdschool is a series of workshop exercises teaching tools and techniques commonly used in real software development. If you are a budding programmer still at school, or just interested in learning some basic programming skills used by developers in real projects, join us! Nerdschool is run by professional developers and we are all looking forwards to seeing you!

When is it and what will I learn?

We aim for 10 - 12 workshops over a year, 5 - 6 per school semester. The subjects are discussed by the organizers before every semester to ensure the workshops are kept relevant and interesting. Some will be kept and repeated the next year, and some will be changed. Examples of subjects are JavaScript, Git, Bash/shell scripting, test driven development, clean code, SOLID, build & deploy (continuous deployment), and more. The goal is to fill the gap between what is learned in school and what you'll need when programming is your job.

Workshops are held on Tuesdays every 2 weeks. It starts at 17:00 and ends at 20:30.

How do I sign up?

All our events are organized through Meetup, so please sign up and join us there.

Where is it?

We are located in Bergen, Norway. All sessions are held at Høyteknologisenteret, part of UiB. We usually start at 17:00 (and end at 20:30), and if you don't have access to the building, there will be a poster on the door with a number you can call and we'll open for you. You don't have to be a student to participate.

Planned workshops fall 2024 (subject to change)

Who are the organizers?

All organizers are professional software developers with a passion and deep knowledge of the craft. We want everyone to be as enthustiastic about programming as we are, and we know that there is a steep and daunting learning curve when starting out. That's why we want to show you what we wish we had learned between school and starting our careers.

Erlend Røsjø

Erlend Røsjø

Erlend works as an architect at Sparebanken Vest. He created his first website in 1996, and has been programming ever since. He is a full-stack developer with a passion for functional programming with over 20 years of experience.

Trym Helle

Trym Helle

Trym works as a consultant at Sopra Steria. He mainly works on the front end with React, but has begun to dabble in the dark side as well. He enjoys making websites and digital art.

Ove Nipen

Ove Nipen

Ove is a principal consultant at Kantega. He is an experienced developer and architect. His main focus is on domain modelling and backend development in Java and relational databases, but he also has experience with frontend technologies.

Sindre S. Kjær

Sindre Kjær

Sindre works as a consultant at Webstep, primarily focusing on backend development with .NET/C# and Microsoft Azure. He also has experience with React and JavaScript/TypeScript. He enjoys exploring new languages and frameworks as often as he can, whether it's about functional programming, system architecture, or exciting new web development frameworks.

Henrik Gundersen

Henrik Gundersen

Henrik works as a tech lead focusing on backend identity and web security at Sparebanken Vest. His first computer was a Commodore 128D, and he loves to dabble with anything tech related. Collects and builds keyboards.


Mail: post@nerdschool.no

Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Bergen-Nerdschool/

Slack: Join our Slack